Design & Build
Born-Digital offers a straightforward, low-risk approach to migrating your collections to an Islandora or Archipelago repository with the Born-Digital theme. Our tried-and-true migration pathways from Islandora 7 and a variety of legacy digital asset management systems follow a phased approach tailored to your needs. Read more about our standard approach to design and build projects below.
Phase 1 — Discovery And Planning
In collaboration with the client, Born-Digital will create a detailed technical and functional specifications document including requirements for your hosting infrastructure. We regularly work with AWS cloud infrastructure (billed directly to the client) or with institutional data centers. We are happy to consider working with alternative cloud hosting providers upon request.
Born-Digital will provide the client with a packet of discovery materials, then work with the client to document the required collection structures, content models, and metadata mapping for the migration. Finally, a gap analysis will be performed covering any functional requirements not met by Islandora, and estimates will be provided to allow the client to prioritize available Custom Development (Phase 4) budget to address strategic priorities.
In creating the project plan we will consider the ideal ordering between Phases 3 and 4 (Content Migration and Custom Development), and create a final project plan which will minimize stress and effort for all stakeholders.
Phase 2 — Software Build, Theming & Ingest Prep
Following the specifications laid out in Phase 1, Born-Digital will build out the underlying infrastructure for the new repository. The exact repository functionality at the time of install will be determined by the latest software release and the default set of configurations set by Born-Digital in our base install. All customization beyond this point is undertaken on a time and materials basis, including theming to meet institutional brand guidelines.
During this phase, Born-Digital will also establish the necessary content types within the new repository, and will provide the client with templates for batch migration and ingest.
Phase 3 — Training + Content Migration
Born-Digital will provide a Site Owner's Manual, further documentation regarding bulk-ingest processes, as well as three hours of content management training sessions to familiarize the client team with basic procedures and workflows. Additional training is available upon request. Depending upon the client's budget, timeline, and other requirements, Born-Digital offers two migration options:
Option 1: Born-Digital completes full content migration
Born-Digital can complete the content migration on the client’s behalf for an agreed-upon set of collections and objects. The client is responsible for providing complete metadata records and access to assets, and for quality control after the migration is complete.
Option 2: Born-Digital trains staff to complete content migration
Born-Digital can spend an agreed-upon number of hours performing example migrations, preparing documentation, and training / supporting the client’s staff as they complete the migration.
Phase 4 — Custom Development (Optional / As Needed)
Following requirements documented in Phase 1, as well as approaches and custom development requests created during the Gap Analysis, Born-Digital will utilize the remaining project budget to address the client's additional requirements in priority order.
Depending upon the volume of custom work desired, this may be scheduled as a single sprint, or several. Phase 1 project planning will also determine the ideal order and overlap between Phases 3a and 3b.
Phase 5 — Launch & Handoff
Following approval of content migration and custom development efforts, Born-Digital will coordinate with the client and their IT department to launch the new site. Site launch will also mark handoff to the long-term maintenance team, whether that is Born-Digital or the client's internal technical resources. Learn more about Born-Digital's standard long-term support and maintenance bundle.