Maintenance & Support
Born-Digital’s maintenance and support bundle combines proactive monthly maintenance and two hours per month of on-demand support. Our regular monthly maintenance package includes application of security patches to Drupal and Islandora/Archipelago modules and server components, monitoring server performance, checking backups, and reviewing server logs to identify any potential issues. The support hours offer you access to our team of experts in the event of incidents, problems, or questions.
Peace of mind, exceptional customer service, and more with our bundled maintenance and support plan.
This plan does not include custom application development effort, but additional support, training, and custom development is available on an hourly basis. Our standard Service Level Agreement offers routine and urgent support response times, as well as optional emergency coverage if you require 24/7 access to systems or application developers. Additional information available upon request.
Included Services
Drupal & Islandora/Archipelago Application Updates
Monthly application of in-version Drupal core and module security patches to all Drupal and Islandora/Archipelago modules, as well as similarly patching server components, including in-version Java, Tomcat, Fedora, and Solr releases (as needed). Any highly critical patches covered by this retainer will be addressed as soon as is reasonably possible upon Born-Digital learning of the vulnerability. Please note that this plan does not cover major version upgrades. Security releases are prioritized over “feature” releases when necessary. Each month we also ensure that backups are configured and running as scheduled, if applicable, and that nothing chronic and problematic is surfacing in server logs.
Server / Docker Container Updates
In addition to updating your application layer, we will also keep your system’s Docker containers up-to-date. This includes updating Docker containers with new images from the upstream sources. Updates to Docker containers will follow their parent project release schedule, which are typically monthly. Born-Digital internally monitors system uptime, disk size, and server performance , as well as SSL expiration (if applicable).
Proactive maintenance reduces the likelihood of an intrusion, but does not guarantee protection. Response and recovery related to targeted attacks against either the application or server are explicitly not covered by any proactive security retainer. Any such activity will be estimated and billed as Time & Materials, upon approval.
For smaller “standard” installations, these Maintenance and Support packages start at $1355/month. Larger and more complex ecosystems typically require both more support as well as a larger maintenance effort. Please contact us if you would like a custom quote…