Digital Repository Solutions
Many of the world’s finest cultural heritage institutions entrust their digital collections to Islandora. Islandora offers a thriving user community, leading edge technology, and endless flexibility. Born-Digital's Bootstrap-based Drupal 10 theme for Islandora 2.0 is attuned to the unique needs of digital collections. Our theme is responsive, strives for a high standard of accessibility (WCAG 2.1 AA compliant as tested by WAVE) and usability, and supports optimal discovery, display, and management of digital assets.
Also powered by Drupal 10+, and with an emphasis on simplicity and flexibility, Archipelago provides powerful digital asset management tools and a burgeoning user community led by the New York Metropolitan Library Council.
And more!
We’re constantly evaluating new software, and are happy to discuss your project, even if you have something else in mind.